Since 1978 Factor II, Inc. has been recognized as the innovative leader in the application and advancement of prosthetic materials. Today, Factor II, Inc. is the most comprehensive supplier of medical, prosthetic, and three dimensional make-up supplies in the world.
Hours of Operation We are open Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are closed Friday through Sunday!. Arizona does not recognize Daylight Savings Time and therefore Arizona switches back and forth between Pacific Standard (Summer) and Mountain Standard Time (Winter).
We strive to continually enhance and improve existing materials, applications, and technologies in maxillofacial and prosthetic industries through research and development and strategic alliances with the best, most creative people in the field. We believe if it can be done today, it can be improved upon for tomorrow. We aim to provide the most advanced, highest quality products at a value to our customers who are the most important key to our success. It is not only important to offer the best products to these customers, but to instruct the end users in the most up-to-date, successful applications of these products.