Shore Durometer Hardness Conversion Reference Chart

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  • Views: 459
  • Reading Time: 6 min read
  • Author: Aaron

Shore hardness refers to the reading of the value measured by a Shore hardness tester. There are different Shore Hardness scales for measuring the hardness of different materials. There are five common types: shore A, shore B, shore C, shore D, shore 0, and shore 00.

shore durometer hardness

The Shore hardness conversion table listed below is for the convenience of people to discuss these materials and have a common reference point. 

Note: The hardness values listed below are approximate and should only be used as a durometer selection guide. Physical tests by the end user are the only accurate way of ensuring proper product selection.

Durometer hardness conversion
# Shore A Shore B Shore C Shore D Shore 0 Shore 00
Extra Hard
(Bowling Ball)
100 85 77 58 - -
95 81 70 46 - -
90 76 59 39 - -
(Skate Wheel)
85 71 52 33 - -
80 66 47 29 84 98
75 62 42 25 79 97
Medium Hard
(Windshield Wiper Blade)
70 56 37 22 73 95
65 51 32 19 72 94
60 47 28 16 69 93
55 42 24 14 65 91
50 37 20 12 61 90
45 32 17 10 57 88
40 27 14 8 53 86
Medium Soft
(Pencil Eraser)
35 22 12 7 48 83
30 12 9 6 42 80
25 12 - - 35 76
Extra Soft
(Chewing Gum)
20 6 - - 28 70
15 - - - 21 62
10 - - - 14 55
5 - - - 8 45

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