Viscosity Conversion Chart Between Different Units

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  • Views: 23
  • Reading Time: 12 min read
  • Author: Aaron

Viscosity is a measure of the thinness or thickness of liquid raw materials. Each country has different expressions for viscosity units. To help you convert different viscosity units, some conversions between different viscosity units are listed below. 

liquid material viscosity detection

Note: The following viscosities are based on liquid materials with a specific gravity of one.

Centipoise (CPS) or Millipascal (mPas) Poise (P) Centistokes (CKS) Stokes (S) Saybolt Universal (SSU)
1 0.01 1 0.01 31
2 0.02 2 0.02 34
4 0.04 4 0.04 38
7 0.07 7 0.07 47
10 0.1 10 0.1 60
15 0.15 15 0.15 80
20 0.2 20 0.2 100
25 0.24 25 0.24 130
30 0.3 30 0.3 160
40 0.4 40 0.4 210
50 0.5 50 0.5 260
60 0.6 60 0.6 320
70 0.7 70 0.7 370
80 0.8 80 0.8 430
90 0.9 90 0.9 480
100 1 100 1 530
120 1.2 120 1.2 580
140 1.4 140 1.4 690
160 1.6 160 1.6 790
180 1.8 180 1.8 900
200 2 200 2 1000
220 2.2 220 2.2 1100
240 2.4 240 2.4 1200
260 2.6 260 2.6 1280
280 2.8 280 2.8 1380
300 3 300 3 1475
320 3.2 320 3.2 1530
340 3.4 340 3.4 1630
360 3.6 360 3.6 1730
380 3.8 380 3.8 1850
400 4 400 4 1950
420 4.2 420 4.2 2050
440 4.4 440 4.4 2160
460 4.6 460 4.6 2270
480 4.8 480 4.8 2380
500 5 500 5 2480
550 5.5 550 5.5 2660
600 6 600 6 2900
700 7 700 7 3380
800 8 800 8 3880
900 9 900 9 4300
1000 10 1000 10 4600
1100 11 1100 11 5200
1200 12 1200 12 5620
1300 13 1300 13 6100
1400 14 1400 14 6480
1500 15 1500 15 7000
1600 16 1600 16 7500
1700 17 1700 17 8000
1800 18 1800 18 8500
1900 19 1900 19 9000
2000 20 2000 20 9400
2100 21 2100 21 9850
2200 22 2200 22 10300
2300 23 2300 23 10750
2400 24 2400 24 11200
2500 25 2500 25 11600
3000 30 3000 30 14500
3500 35 3500 35 16500
4000 40 4000 40 18500
4500 45 4500 45 21000
5000 50 5000 50 23500
5500 55 5500 55 26000
6000 60 6000 60 28000
6500 65 6500 65 30000
7000 70 7000 70 32500
7500 75 7500 75 35000
8000 80 8000 80 37000
8500 85 8500 85 39500
9000 90 9000 90 41080
9500 95 9500 95 43000
15000 150 15000 150 69400
20000 200 20000 200 92500
30000 300 30000 300 138500
40000 400 40000 400 185000
50000 500 50000 500 231000
60000 600 60000 600 277500
70000 700 70000 700 323500
80000 800 80000 800 370000
90000 900 90000 900 415500
100000 1000 100000 1000 462000
125000 1250 125000 1250 578000
150000 1500 150000 1500 694000
175000 1750 175000 1750 810000
200000 2000 200000 2000 925000

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